I wasn't going to write another post today, but in light of new events that have happened in my oh so joyful workplace (can you sense the sarcasm?) I have decided to vent about one of my wonderful (hardly!)colleagues....for the sake of anonymity we shall call her Ms. Lim. P. Ashtray.
Now she is not ranga, although the picture might suggest she is, but she does smoke, as her name suggests. Ms. Lim. P. Ashtray is one of those most annoying people who is always right, always smarter than you, always experiencing worse hardships in life than you and generally just being a whiney, stuck up bitch. Needless to say, I don't like her very much.
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Bags being Angelina coz she is way hotter! |
She has this habit of when the managers are speaking, to almost talk over the top of them. She basically repeats what they are saying and uses lots of hand gestures to emphasise 'her' point and tries to sound smart. It's not a good look. It's actually really annoying. To make it worse has this drawly, whiney, monotone voice that just sludges through the conversation. It doesn't make her particularly appealing to listen to.
Ms. Lim. P. Ashtray also annoys me because she is one of those individuals that likes to brag about herself and her 'qualifications.' She is constantly saying 'I'm qualified' or "I can see past that basic issues because I have a degree in ______'. Fair enough you're qualified, big whoop-di-doo, but it doesn't mean you have to constantly state it and use it against everyone else! Ms. Lim. P. Ashtray also makes it look like she is doing lots of work but really she is not. She is delegating it out to her support worker. And yet she still complains she has sooooooooo much work to do (which she doesn't). Sometimes I feel like saying 'Well you're the most qualified, you should be doing most of the work!' (even though she's not!). Another issue that annoys me is her leaving early to go to meetings.....oookay so a meeting starts at 2pm, so that means you have to leave at 12.30pm and not come back for the rest of the day? (when we all know it only takes an hour to complete the meeting and therefore plenty of time to finish work for the day)....oh but I forget, she has a support worker to do that.
I could go on and on about Ms. Lim. P. Ashtray but it's almost 5pm and time to go home for the day. Thank fricken god!
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